Street Samurai Checklist

Funny thing happened to me on a run, chummer....

I had gottan a call from Mr. Johnson to go out and shoot this guy. A runner like me
has to be prepared so I made this checklist of everything to do the job:

  1. Ares Pistol with silencer, laser sight, and custom grips.
  2. Streetline Special in emergencies.
  3. Sniping Rifle to take out target.
  4. Airline tickets with fake passport, etc.
  5. Disguise
  6. Maglock Passkey thingie.
  7. Grappling Hook.
  8. Black Clothing.
  9. Deoderant.
  10. Credstick.
  11. Skillsoft programs of sniping.
  12. Fake ID.
  13. Suitcase.
  14. Concealable holsters.
  15. Grappling hook to make escape out the window
  16. Smoke bombs for easy escape
  17. Rigged bike to be outside waiting for me.

So I go on board the flight straight to San Fransico, get off, and take a cab to my cheap
motel. I unpack all my stuff, wear the black clothes underneth my suit. Place the pistols
in their concealable holsters. Then I take everything off because I forgot to put the
deoderant on. I put the clothes and guns back on. Make sure the laser sight works.
Put the maglock passkey, sniping rifle and grappling hook into the suitcase, load the skillsoft while
clipping the ID on. I take a cab to the apartment complex.

"Got an ID?", the front gate guard says. "Yeah.", I say. I hand him the fake ID and make
some fast talk. He doesn't buy it. He's about to hit the silent alarm when I whip out
the Ares. "Don't even think about it, chummer.", I said in evilish sort of way. The guard
whipped out his own gun. I pulled the trigger. Then it dawned on me.

I forgot to bring the fraggin ammo.

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