
Crashed Systems Inc. was founded by a group of deckers who joined together. They have started up their own business and are quickly beocming one of the most skilled groups in Seattle. They each have their own strengths and weaknesses qhich compliments the other's.

Female Human Decker
Considered to be the leader of the group, she is highly skilled in many areas of computers and matrix. She is also the maintainer of the group's own computer system. Her expertise is in Matrix programming. She has loaded the system full of secrets and backdoors. She is wild, and seemingly highly erratic in her decision making. But she always comes out on top.

Phony Repairman
Male Dwarven Phreaker
An expert in the Seattle phone system, Phony sets up all the illegal phone connections. As an ex-employee of the Seattle telecommunications company (he was replaced by a computer), he can set up various taps, satelite links, and anti-trace electronics. He is, however, very forgetful as a result of confusing a telephone wire with an electricity wire during his apprentice days.

Male Human Programmer
A very dark and solemn individual, the plague has his interests in designing computer viruses. It is his passion, and he consideres it an art the way he can destroy a system before the administrators know what is happening. Rumors have it that if you hold up a mirror to his nose, it won't fog over. He also does normal programming.

Male Orken Decker
With the use of his own brand of pharmacuticals, Hyper speeds up the neuron flow of his brain, making him think on an entirly different level of people. Because of this, many cannot even understand his speech (half the time because it is so technical, the other half because it is incomprehensble). Although he has a perfect photographic memory, he is little in creativity and wisdom.

Female Elven Cracker
Whenever plague can't create the program, CrackerJax has the contacts to find it. Any program she finds on the net, she can crack it's software copyright protection. She is a master at encryption and unlocking secrets.

Body - 3 Computer\Decking - 6 Datajack
Quickness - 4 Computer\Matrix Programming - 7 300 mp memory
Strength - 3 Computer B/R - 4 Softlink (2)
Charisma - 5 Computer Theory - 3
Intelligence - 5 Unarmed Combat - 6
Willpower - 4
Essence - 4.7
Reaction - 4
Initiative - 1d6
Phony Repairman
Body - 4 Telecommunications - 6 Datajack
Quickness - 2 Electronics - 6
Strength - 5 Electronics B/R - 4
Charisma - 2 Computer\Decking - 1
Intelligence - 3 Firearms - 2
Willpower - 3
Essence - 5.9
Reaction - 2
Initiative - 1d6
Body - 1 Computer\Programming - 8 Datajack
Quickness - 2 Computer\Decking - 4
Strength - 1 Computer Theory - 7
Charisma - 1 Psycology - 6
Intelligence - 8
Willpower - 7
Essence - 5.9
Reaction - 5
Initiative - 1d6
Body - 7 Computer\Decking - 6 Datajack
Quickness - 4(8) Electronics - 2
Strength - 6 Armed Combat - 4
Charisma - 3 Computer Theory - 3
Intelligence - 2
Willpower - 4
Essence - 5.9
Reaction - 5
Initiative - 1d6(3d6)
Body - 5 Computer\Decking - 6 Datajack
Quickness - 4 Computer\Matrix Programming - 7 100 mp memory
Strength - 4 Computer\Cracking - 7
Charisma - 2 Computer Theory - 1
Intelligence - 4 Bike - 4
Willpower - 6 Bike B/R - 3
Essence - 5.6
Reaction - 4
Initiative - 1d6

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