Awakened Zoo Animals

Giant Awakened Tortoise
Identification: The giant awakend tortoise stands at 3 meters high and 7 meters long. It has the characteristics of a rhino type being with a large turtle shell. The anmimal can withdrawl into the shell just like other turtless. It's face which is more like a rhinos is large, and 2 large tusks protrude from it's mouth. The Giant Awakened Tortoise is a land animal, but is capable of going into shallow waters. It is semi-intelligent.
Similar Species: The giant awakened tortoise resembles a type of rihno or large land animal with a tortoise shell. The skin and face look like that of a turtle's.
Habitat: The giant awakened tortoise prefers wooded areas near streams or rivers. Also known to live near the ocean.
Magic Capability: None
Habits: The giant awakened tortoise is awake during the late day to night, spending most of it's time feeding. It eats small land animals that it can catch. When hunting, the tortoise stays completely motionless until it's prey comes near by. It has this special power to lure animals closer to it. The tortoise is also known to hunt land animals, but only thoose that are sick or wounded. They are extremly territorial.
Young: The female tortoise lays 2-6 eggs in a nest which is fiercly guarded. Hatchlings emerge in about 8 weeks.
Economic Value: The shell of such as beast is prized, but the giant tortoise has little other value.
Range: The giant awakened tortise can be found near the west coast of the Native American Nations. The species has spread from Seattle down to northern Aztlan.
Commentary: All tortoises are extremly tough fighters, their shells act as natural protection from many bullets and other weapons. It's underside is soft and not so heavily guarded, but the tortoises short legs make it a hard target. The tortoise can charge people and even cars and knock them back, digging into them with it's tusks. Tests show they can live to be about 300 years old.
Powers: Venom, Immunity to Pathogens, Lure (Intelligence Test, target number 3. Failure indicates that the target starts to wander near the tortise. Range of 15 meters)
Weakness: Allergy (Severe) to Cold
Body: 10
Quickness: 2 x 2
Strength: 8
Charisma: -
Intelligence: 2/4
Willpower: 2
Essence: 6
Reaction: 3
Attacks: 12D

Awakened Eel
Identification: The Awakened Eel has the ability to not only swim at an incredible speed, but to also fly through the air. They are generally 2 meters long and look like a large snake. The eel is generally harmless unless provoked or hungry.
Similar Species: The normal eel is almost identical is appearance except for the size.
Habitat: The eel can live just about anywhere except for the desert. It does seem to prefer either plains or streams.
Magical Capability: None
Habits: The eel normally is active during the day. The are vicious especially when attacked. They are sometimes found in pairs, but are mainly solitary animals.
Young: The eel buries a single egg into the sand of a river or stream, and hatchlings are born in about 6 weeks.
Economic Value: None. They cannot be controlled for security nor anything else. Their body contains no precious nutrients.
Range: The awakened eel generally live arround in North America and Europe/Asia.
Commentary: These eels are generally distrustful of all other beings, and is not afraid to attack something larger then it is. It will usually fight to the death.
Powers: Flying, Water Breathing
Weaknesses: None
Body: 4
Quickness: 5 x 4
Strength: 2
Charisma: -
Intelligence: 2/3
Willpower: 1
Essence: 6
Reaction: 4
Attacks: 4M

Land Sharks
Identification: The land sharks are large sharks that stand about 5 meters long. They are usually a light brown, and have several rows of teeth. They can hold their breath for as long as 3 hours, and are constantly hunting, even if not hungry.
Similar Species: Water sharks that can be found all over the world. They appear the same in size and shape.
Habitat: The land sharks can roam anywhere, but dislike wooded areas where roots can interfere with movement.
Magical Capability: None
Habits: The land sharks are able to dig through ground with great ease, which is thought to be magicaly induced. They are cold-blooded killers, attacking and eating even if not hungry. They sense vibrations from the top ground where they will then attack from the bottom.
Young: 1 to 2 are born from the mother, and land sharks have been known to eat their own young. The young are abandoned at birth.
Economic Value: The teeth are incredible hard, and can be used in ornaments and jewelery.
Range: The land sharks are world wide, but mainly in Asian countries.
Commentary: The land sharks are brutal killing machines. They are sometimes taken to areas where war is being fought and released into the wild.
Powers: Fear, Search, Immunity to Breathing (does not need oxygen)
Weaknesses: Allergy (Severe) to Fire and Heat
Body: 6
Quickness: 5 x 5
Strength: 5
Charisma: -
Intelligence: 1/3
Willpower: 1
Essence: 6
Reaction: 4
Attacks: 10D

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