Average Joe Archetype

For anyone who read the Secrets of Power Triology (Never Deal with a Dragon, Choose Your Enemies Carefully, Find Your Own Truth) you notice that Sam Verner was the average Joe corp type (Who had unknown magical powers). Yet he soon became Twist, runner for hire. I was thinking about this when awhile back I had written a game called Chrono Jumpers (time travel RPG). The players were simply kids, yet they did not act like it. They were sent back to a warped version of prehistoric times, and they grabbed spears and started killing the evil evolved dinosaurs without a second thought. Another thing I thought about was that every single decker character I have ever seen has started with a Computer skill rating of 6. So I have developed some little rules to develope a "normal average Joe" character that can start from a beginner to a veteran runner.

Master Character Creation Table
(There is an added F priority)
RACE: Metahuman, Human, Human, Human, Human, Human
MAGIC: Human Magician, Metahuman Magician/Human Adept, Metahuman Adept, Mundane, Mundane, Mundane
ATRRIBUTES: 24, 20, 17, 15, 14, 13
SKILLS: 30, 24, 20, 17, 15, 14
RESOURCES: 400000 ¥ /35, 90000 ¥ /25, 5000 ¥ /15, 500 ¥ /5, 250 ¥ /3
A.S. KARMA: 50, 40, 34, 30, 26, 20

Auto Success Karma
On the character sheet, draw an extra box next to the Karma section. Label this to be A.S. Karma. This auto success karma acts as normal karma except it can only be used to have an automatic succes. Because of the large amount, only one may be used per test. So the only way to make more than 1 success is to have a natural roll based on the character's ability. The players must use this karma wisly, for they have a limited amount. A.S. karma cannot be gained after character creation because normal karma is used then.

Attribute and Skill Maximums In order so that the characters are normal people, the maximum rating for any skill or attribute is 4.

A normal character's background is essential. He/She did not wake up one morning and say, "Hmm, I think I go on an extraction run today after breakfast." The 20 questions is especially vital. The GM could help by making an adventure of how the runners got together and why they went on a run, etc. etc.

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