Stanley's Quik Stop Cyber Shop
Psst.... Hey you. Yeah, you. You look like the type that would have a few cred on ya. How'd you
like to see what merchandise I have under the counter? What you need is what I got. Need a cyber
hand? Heeheehee. Boy I crack myself up. But seriously, check your eyeses on these prizes.
>>>>>(This here is just perfect for making files on the go. You pop this baby in, you just think of
what you need, and it comes out onto chip. Think an image, or text, and then the thought
processor turns it into a text or image file.)<<<<<
>>>>>(Oh Ghost, everyone's thought of doing it, and now they've done it. Even though
there are already tons like it avalible on the black market. Course thoose are still
in developmental phases.)<<<<<
>>>>>(According to my sources at Cybernetic Systems, this one still is. Here's a neat
trick to try, set this up and create a trideo film my mere thought. Imagine your worst
enemy shooting someone to come up with that piece of extra evidence.)<<<<<
>>>>>(Already tried, but the image always seems fuzzy and not realistic. Something
about the neural to proccessor circuit. Plus, as with many trideo edits, it will show up
neg on any test.)<<<<<
NOTE - The thought proccessor links up to the brain, able to read the thoughts and create
text or graphics. A datajack to hook to external computers are needed to store the files,
unless the user has cyber memory. Also a prgram such as a graphics editor or word
proccessor etc. are needed as well.
>>>>>(Sure, we may have seen a ton of law suits, that is, if Shadowrunners would actually USE
the legal system, har har. Boy I crack myself up. It seems the last version didn't do to well
of resurrecting people because the electrodes didn't have a direct path to jump start a guy's
system. But this version doesn't have the path cross the entire body, just the heart and chest
areas. It also may screw with any electronics in that area. But, hey, a nice deal if you need it.
The RSA allows you to stay consious after you've taken over 10 rows of STUN damage. Not to shabby
in a fight.)<<<<<
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