Fence Preparation

Everyone's nervous at a fence. With just a pull of a trigger someone can scam someone over, and the results usually don't leave the other in a bargaining position. To find out anything about the meet, here's a couple of toys to ease your paranoia.

Laser Lock On Detector
Everyone and their grandma has a laser sight on their gun, with this device, anything that shows up near it that is within the spectrum of it's configurable laser light pattern will send a warning. With the optional smart gun link, it will also give the person the location and tragectory of where the gunman is.
laser lock on detector
Make a test against target number 6 - the rating to detect if the laser lock on detector finds a laser on it. Any penalties to laser sights such as fog and rain will also apply to the detector's ability to find the laser.
Rating Cost
1-3 250¥
4-6 500¥

>>>>>(This item can be a life saver and also a real pain, and can also be set off by your own laser sight, since any weapon in your hand is in it's detection range.)<<<<<

Body Count
This device points out the location with any suspicious vehicles or people, and gives out the location. It sends a radar beam out, and then matches any patterns for people who are standing around, or constantly hanging around or changing directions. It's memory also holds any patterns that were used. It can track up to 8 objects at once. It can also be preprogrammed not to track allied team members. The device fits over the head, and has a retractable screen and audio attachments.
Target Number to actually finding someone is 9 - the rating of the body counter to successfully detect someone who is an actual threat. More targets then the device can handle increases the target number for every 1 person/vehicle, unless they are set to be ignored. The controls are on the side.
Rating Maxium Amount of Targets Cost
1-3 4,5,6 500¥ per rating
4-6 7,8,9 1000¥ per rating

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