Seattle Sites

Seattle Circa 2053 A.D.

Yeah sure. Everyone's heard of the Aztech Pyramid and the Reraku Arcology, but the what of the places that you can't find on any map? The sprawl has many hidden sites that nothing but the shadows have seen.

Grizt Club
The Grizt Club is a decker coffee shop and hangout. Located inside the basement of an unknown building, the Grizt club has pirated several phone lines so it is untraceable. Only true deckers know about it, and several are even booted out if they don't have a rep. They serve a pretty good synth-coffee though.

The Caravan is a mobile unit of vans that hold anything avalible on the black market, specializing in illegal guns and cyberware. During the day they remain in a hidden garage but at night they roam the area. A fixer with at least rating of 4 (see Contact Control rules). will know the whereabouts of the Caravan. They have been known to attack UCAS and corporate military bases, however most equipment is gained through industrial espionage. Prices are usually higher then normal but the selection is vast. If they don't have it they can get it in half the time it normally takes (divide avalibity score by half).
The underground of Seattle is a large complex composed of sewer tunnels and crude diggings. The underground is a refuge for shadowrunners and also orks. Orktown resides in the deeper regions, being composed of caves dug out of the earth acting as one room buildings. Farms grow a type of edible fungi. The exact location of orktown is unknown, but it is around the Tacoma district.

Stuffer Shacks
Stuffer shacks are the main black market markets. Too many to keep track of in the 21st century stuffer shacks supply anything they have, from weapons to the latest BTLs. Stuffer shacks make great fences, as the runners can easily drop equipment which will be passed on to the next customer.

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