"Hey there chummer, where do you think you're going?"
Tom heard Grex. The 13 year old boy would never be a match for the knife wielding ganger.
Tom turned around to face Grex, the smell of synth-beer pouring from his breathe. "Lemme alone Grex,
I got no money.", Tom said. Grex smiled, "Well that's just to bad, Tommy boy." Grex flicked
out his razor sharp knife. "Cause now I'm going to make you bleed."
Tom ran down the vacant street, hearing echoing footsteps follow. Then Tom felt
it. That tingling sensation. The feeling of light insects crawling around his brain. He stared at Grex and his knife.
Pain bolted through Grex as he clutched his
head in agony. Tom heard him scream before finally all that was left of Grex was a corpse that bleed from
every opening and several other places as well.. The tingling went away, and Tom walked home.
Psionics are powers that come purly from the mind. Thamturgists thoerize that psionic powers
use energy flow from matter, instead of from their own bodies as mages and shamens do (which
causes drain). Others say that the energy for psionic powers come from the mind alone, and that
the mind absorbs power from others. Either which way, psionisists do not have to be attuned
to spirits as shamens do, nor do they have to know complex formulas as hermetic mages do. Their
power comes from their thoughts.
Using Powers
All the psionisist must do to use a power is merely think it happen, and the power will happen.
Almost all psionic powers must be sustained in order for their use. A psionisist can only
use a power with the same or lower level as their class. A psionisist 3rd class can use 1st,
2nd, or 3rd level powers. Psionisists go up in class by using double the amount of karma as
the class they wish to raise up in. So for a 3rd class to become a 4th class, the psionisist must
use 8 karma. After the 6th class, the amount is again doubled. So for a 7th to become an 8th,
the psionisist must use 32 karma. High price to pay for large amounts of power.
Learning New Powers
A psionisist cannot learn powers from another, because each power is attuned to the specific
brain patterns of the psionisist. To gain another power, the psionisist must be of the
appropriate class, and must use the same amount of karma as the level of the power. If the
psionisist is higher in class then the level of the power, then the psionisist gets a -1 bonus
per class higher in karma. I.E. A 3rd class psionisist learns a 2nd level power, it is only
1 instead of 2. Their is a 1 karma minimum for any power.
There are three different types of psionisists: Unlimited, Limited, or Natural.
The A priority must be set to magic in order to be an unlimited psionisist, and can go on to
become any class. Or, the player can use the B priority to become a limited psionisist, and
can only become a maximum 4th class psionisist. Naturals must devote both A and B slots for
their magic, and cannot be a metahuman. To become a limited or unlimited metahuman, the either
B or C (depending on the type of psionisist) to be a metahuman. Naturals have to only use
half of the karma to advance in their power.
- They have a limited astral percieving. They cannot see astral space nor feel it, but only hear and smell
things. They have the sixth sense, which tells them about beings in astral space (their race, cyberware, etc.)
but that is all.
- They cannot summon elementals or spirits.
- They cannot have ritual magic of any kind.
- They cannot use any type of spell focus or fetish.
- They have a limit on how much psionic powers they can use in a certain amount of time.
- They do not suffer any drain from using psionics.
The psionisist has "pool" in the amount of power level points that he/she can use per minute.
This pool refreshes each minute. The pool is equal to the class of the psionisist. So a
3rd class psionisist can use a level 1 power 3 times a minute, or a level 2 power and level 1
power once a minute, or a 3rd level power once a minute, etc. etc.
A psionisist can sustain an amount of powers equal to the class of the psionisist, until the
psionisist loses concious thought of the power, falls asleep or unconcious, etc.
Psionic List
Psionic | Level | Type | Range | Target Number | Duration |
Communicate | 1 | Mana | LOS | 10-Willpower | Instantaneous |
Telekinesis | 2 | Physical | LOS | 10-Willpower | Sustained |
Advanced Telekinesis | 4 | Physical | Ranged | 12-Willpower | Sustained | |
Hydrokinesis | 3 | Physical | LOS | 11-Willpower | Sustained |
Pyrokinesis | 4 | Physical | LOS | 11-Willpower | Sustained |
Electrokinesis | 5 | Physical | LOS | 12-Willpower | Sustained |
Pain | 2 | Mana | LOS | Target's Willpower | Sustained |
Pain Resistance | 1 | Mana | Self | 8-Willpower | Sustained |
Animate Object | 7 | Physical | Touch | 16-Willpower | Sustained |
Regenerate | 2 | Mana | Self | 10-Willpower | Instantaneous |
Anaylze Condition | 3 | Mana | Touch | Target's Willpower | Instantaneous |
Telepathy | 3 | Mana | Ranged | 12-Willpower | Instantaneous |
Animal Communicate | 4 | Mana | LOS | 10-Willpower | Instantaneous |
Detect Element | 5 | Physical | Ranged | 12-Willpower | Instantaneous |
Levitate Self | 1 | Mana | Self | 8-Willpower | Sustained |
Imprint Message | 5 | Mana | LOS | Target's Willpower + 7 | Sustained |
Absorb Life | 4 | Mana | Touch | Target's Willpower + 6 | Instantaneous |
Heal Wound | 3 | Mana | Self | 10-Willpower | Instantaneous |
The psionisist can send words through to another person within his line of sight without making
any actual noise. However, the communicate is only good with exact language, so it is only
useful if the other knows the language the psionisist is speaking.
Telekinesis is the ability to move objects simply with the mind alone. The weight maximum is equal
to the class of the psionisist multiplied by the willpower in kilograms. The object must remain
in the line of sight in order to be affected by the power, and the psionisist can only affect
one object at a time.
Advanced Telekinesis
Advanced telekinesis allows for movement beyond the psionisist's line of sight, however, the
object will be "flying blind". THe weight maxmimum is the same.
This is the same as normal telekinesis that affects water molecules.
This telekinesis affects fire. The maximum area of affect is class times willpower in cubic
This telekinesis affects electrical current. The maximum affect is the clas mulitplied by willpower
multiplied by 10 in voltage.
Pain causes pain to erupt in the target (duh). This causes penalties to all the target numbers that
the target tries. The target number is modified by the class of the psionisist.
Pain Resistance
This will remove pain/damage target modifiers up to the class of the psionisist.
Animate Object
This will animate any object to a sort of artificial dogbrain state. The object will obey
any command that the psionisist gives it as long as the power is sustained.
This will recover boxes of stun damage equal to the psionisist's class.
Analyze Condition
The psionisist can examine and find out what medical condition the target is in.
Unlike communicate, telepathy will allow the psionisist to send a message understandable by
anyone. It will not work on animals however. The range of telepathy is the psionisist's class
multiplied by the willpower in kilometers.
Animal Communicate
THis will allow the psionisist to talk with animals, however, the animal may or may not be
agreeable with the psionisist. Although the psionisist will not actually talk with the animal,
he/she will get an emotional response, that such of danger, or fear, or happiness.
Detect Element
With this, the psionisist can detect if any earth, air, water, or fire is nearby. The range of
detection is the class of the psionisist in kilometers. This will also tell him what type of
the element, such as toxic air, or stones for earth, or drinkable or nondrinkable water.
Levitate Self
This will allow the psionisist to levitate his/her body up or down, in an amount of meters equal
to the class multiplied by willpower.
Imprint Message
This power leaves a suggestive thought in the target's mind. The target makes a willpower test
every other minute to see if the influence is removed. The target still has consious control.
So if the thought is, "Don't shoot me.", the security guard would still call for backup or
shoot the partners.
Absorb Life
The psionisist will have the ability to absorb an amount of stun boxes of another and add it
to his/her own.
Heal Wound
This will recover 1 and only 1 box of physical damage for the psionisist alone.
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