One Type Runner Groups
"I want to be a street samurai."
"I'm already a street samurai."
"You said I could be a sammy next time."
"I don't care I just want to be a decker."
"Well we need a mage more then we do a decker."
"We don't have enough people for a mage or a decker."
"How about a rigger."
"Riggers aren't important."
It was one of thoose conversations where I just wanted to get up and run as far away as possible.
Before I cracked though, I came up with an idea. They could all be one type of shadowrunner.
All the adventures would only need one type of person. There are pros and cons.
- It's good when there is only a limited number of people.
- There is no loss when someone is absent.
- It cuts out argument when everyone wants to be the same archetype.
- The runs may seem to repeat itself.
- Normally this means competly new characters and trashing the old ones.
It is important to have some differance, and anall sammy group isn't suggested because the runs
usually turn into hack-n-slash adventures. In a magical group, the differance can be in shamens,
mages, adepts, and mages who summon different elementals (don't mix fire and water though).
In a decker group, some are good at combat programs, another good at programming and building decks.
Another has the best sleaze program out there. (It is not recommended that you let an otaku in a
decker group, because his skill would out beat everyone else's.).
If you already have a normal, well rounded group, and don't all seriously want to become the same
archetype, then don't bother with this suggestion.
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