Players Vs. Charisma
Situation One:
GM: "The guard is looking over your fake ID, he says 'Hold on sir, I'll have to check this with
the main office.' "
Player: I tell him not to.
GM: You make a charisma test against target number 8. (rolls) You fail.
Player: Damn. I shoot him.
Situation Two:
GM: "The guard is looking over your fake ID, he says 'Hold on sir, I'll have to check this with
the main office.' "
Player: " 'Ah cmon buddy, I'm late for work as it is and if they check me in coming in now,
the boss will pull my ass through drek about it. How about lettin me pass, eh?"
GM: "Make a charisma test against target number 3. (rolls) You pass."
Player: " 'Thanks buddy.' "
The main element of role playing games is to actually role play. But generally, the characters
will reflect the personality of the player. The charisma attribute has to be there, to help
discern between a smart mouth player and a charming character. Whenever players are playing too
early in the morning (before noon), or just not thinking (after noon), they can just say, "My
character asks him blah blah blah". This is where my Charisma rule comes in.
If a player talks to the NPC himself...
"My character asks where the gun shop is."
" 'Hey, where's the local gun shop?"
...then I give the player an extra die to roll for a charisma check. And if he words the question
" 'Hey chummer, where can I pick up a grade A bang bang toy?"
...then I give em 2 extra charisma dice. Also, if the test is successful then the character gets
a karma point for good role playing. If the player got the +2 bonus, the player gets a karma point
even if the test fails. A good way to promote role playing in the games and for the players to
rack up karma.
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