Stanley's Weapons of Somewhat Massive Destruction
SI's Power Punch HP
Stanley Inc. proudly presents the heavy pistol that satisfies all you power hungry predators out
there. The power punch packs a kick that could knock out a guard flat. Works with all ammo and
comes with it's own built in laser scope.
Concealability: 3
Ammo: 6(c)
Mode: SS
Damage: 12M
Avalibility: 3/72 Hours
Cost: 500 ¥
>>>>>(Sure, it's high powered, but also creates a large flash and big noise. Not recommended
for covert ops. It's barrel size is about three times the standard, so it requires it's own type
of ammo and can't have other accessories add on without adjustment.)<<<<<
-Scooter (17:27:54/04:19:54)
*NOTE - Treat Power Punch ammo as normal ammo, cost is 10¥ for 10 bullets.
Leathal Locator
The Leath Locator developed by Stanley himself helps eliminate called shots to the head. This
accessory may be placed on any rifle or sniper rifle. It combines an electronic image enhancer
and minicomputer. The whole thing weighs about 3 kilograms. It reduces called shots to the head
by all the points needed. It does take a complex action though, for it to find a target and lock
on the persons head or any other preprogrammed body parts. It reduces concealability of the weapon
by 2 points. The image enhancer acts as a mag 1 scope, reducing the target number by 1. The mag scope
can be replaced and hooked to the Lethal Locator for about 20-30 ¥ by a weaponsmith. The
Leathal Locator must be hooked to a smartlink.
Concealability: -2
Avalibility: 4/96 Hours
Cost: 1,500 ¥
>>>>>(Works great for wet work, but in a fire fight in might be a bad addon, because
it takes an entire round to set up. Meanwhile, you're standing nice and pretty for the boys to
geek you while you try to get a fix on their skull.)<<<<<
-Scooter (17:28:46/04:19:54)
Recoil Track
The recoil track is a special recoil defeater that has the barrel of the weapon move back. The
gun's vibration and force is sent through the barrel moving instead of your aim. Also an
invention of Stanley's. However, the concealability is completly wasted. For pistols, the
track reduces 3 points, for rifles, 4. This makes the weapon almost completly unable to
hide. For a pistol, it reduces recoil up to 3 points. For rifles or other weapons, the
recoil is reduced by 6 points. These may not be placed on rocket or missile launchers, as they
affect the aim. Other accessories that are placed on the barrel cannot be used do to the
size of the recoil tracks. The conversion costs about half the weapon's base cost. To convert it
back to it's original state, it costs about a quarter of the base cost.
Concealability: -3 of pistols(small), -4 for rifles(large)
Avalibility: 3/6 Days
Costs: Half the weapon's base cost.
>>>>>(Grade A choice to sure shot someone.)<<<<<
-Hex-A-Decimate (16:33:24/04:19:54)
Harpoon Ammo
Harpoon ammo is based on the mechanics used in whale hunting. Once the bullet hits a solid object, it waits
a few microseconds and then unleashes odd shaped fins from inside of the bullet. This makes
a +2 penalty to any medical test to remove the bullet, and also causes +1/-1 target number/initiative
penalties, and a +1 target number penalty for healing damage caused by a harpoon bullet.
>>>>>(Security forces love this type of ammo, namingly because it is helpful in slowing
down any escaping runners, and even so, will cause some extra pain to them even after they have
left the scene of the crime.)<<<<<
-Rotor (02:36:53/04:20:54)
pH Poisoner Dart
This dart has a strong base in it, so it does not just put the target to sleep, it makes em dead.
When it connects, the base is injected into the blood stream, and the base messes with pH balance
of the target, killing it. This ammo can only be used in a Narcojet or similar weapon. Any success
for impact armor breaks the needle.
The actual damage is basical a body test must be made against the rating of the poison. For each
success, subtract that from the rating of the dart. This is how long the target can go before dropping
into shock or death. Medical treatment is needed very soon. If the body successes outweigh the
rating of the dart, then the target has a that many hours to find a cure. Meanwhile, all target
numbers are raised by 3.
Avalibility: 6/7 Days
Costs: 30 ¥ per shot per rating point. Max rating is 4.
>>>>>(You don't even want to touch the needle tip or let it spill into your hands. All living
orginisms have to maintain a pH level between 6.8 and 7.2. Anything else will geek em.)<<<<<
-Rotor (04:10:14/04:19:54)
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