Stanley's Software and Hardware


Detect Edit
A new program that detects whether any edits were made, and how at what time they were made. The edits include when the file was made, and any edits of the file. 1 success means the decker knows it was editted, 2 successes means the decker knows when it was edited, and 3 successes allow the decker to know what was edited.
Multiplier: 4
Target: Files
Options: None

The clone program, once attached to another persona, copies the signiture of that persona onto the decker's cyberdeck. This signiture is left on all system logs. Very confusing to security personnel to see the same person in two different sections of the system at the same time. Once the "persona host" jacks out, the clone program stops executing. If the decker logs out and then back on while the persona host is still on, then the clone program can resume. Every turn however, the persona host may make a detection test against a target number of the rating of the clone program. On one success it is detected.
Multiplier: 4
Target: Deckers
Options: None


SI's Telecom Cheater
This device feeds a public telecom false information about the credit. The decker has a number of turns equal to the rating of the cheater before the phone company realizes the credit is fake. The phone company may then either tap into the call, trace it, or simply cut the connection. The thing that every decker who can't get a false ID should have.
Cost: 1,500 ¥ per rating (max rating 12)

SI's Cross Caller
This device from Stanley Inc. is connected to a pay phone. It is a small computer which goes to a system and makes a com call from that system to another system, etc. etc. This then makes a trace much harder to achieve. The Cross Caller must take a test against the Access rating of the each system it calls. If it fails, it sets off a silent alarm on the Cross Caller, telling the decker that it may have risen the security talley of that system. It then goes back to the previous system and calls another system. The phone number list must be updated manually, or phone book files can be inserted into the main list.
Cost: 8,000 ¥ per rating (max rating 9)
>>>>> Nice piece of equipment, really takes out the strain of doing it yourself. Of course, minor problems could turn disasterous. I suggest making some improvements and hooking up a hitcher jack to it. <<<<<

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