Downtime Stuff
- Program some frames.
- Patch up that body armor.
- Prank phone call Lone Star.
- Do laundry.
- Change that flat on the Citymaster.
- Visit that long lost half cousin.
- Howl at the moon.
- Get drunk, moon a corp exec, and spend the rest of the night in jail.
- Jump over parked cars.
- Meet someone of the opposite sex.
- Go fishing in the polluted rivers.
- Watch the trid.
- Buy another gun for the heck of it.
- Listen to the latest band, "Punks from the Dark Side of Demonic Hatred and
Eaters of Souls that Mankind Cannot Understand".
- Sleep.
- Eat.
- Work.
- Sleep some more.
- Try to fly.
- Take up arts and crafts.
- Stare at the clock for a few days.
- Count all of your bullets.
- Bury thoose bodies that you have in the basement, they're starting to smell.
- Jack in and out repeatadly to see what it feels like.
- Have a contest to see who can eat the most raw Insta-Noodles before vomitting.
- Go back to school and say hello to that biology teacher. Oh, wait. He's been downsized.
- Get a haircut ya hippie!
- Buy the shadowrun card game.
- Throw the shadowrun card game in the garbage.
- See your buddies in prison.
- See your buddies in the grave.
- Go through a dozen blue systems and get enough paydata to live in the bahamas.
- Set up a fence, then not go.
- Blow something up.
- Go see a fine arts production.
- Stop and smell the synth roses.
- Drive a car through a window.
- Come up with a few one liners to say when you are in combat.
- Mug little old ladys.
- Taunt the paranatural animals at the zoo with sticks.
- Blame it on the zoo security when the griffen attacks you.
- Get in touch with your feelings.
- Talk about your childhood.
- Visit that weird kid next door that collects bugs and eats glue.
- Rearrange the bathroom.
- Spread flowers all over the streets of the barrens.
- Take a metal detector and go around the beach looking for loose change.
- Cry out in delight when you find a single tenth yen that day.
- Eat some real food for a change.
- Get out a medicle chart. Randomly point somewhere. Have that organ replaced.
- Squirt soy-ketchup all over yourself and stagger into the hospital.
- Dance! Dance! Dance!
- Put on a gas mask and shout out tarzan like phrases.
- Read a book.
- Write something for a shadowurn website.
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