Downtime Stuff

  1. Program some frames.
  2. Patch up that body armor.
  3. Prank phone call Lone Star.
  4. Do laundry.
  5. Change that flat on the Citymaster.
  6. Visit that long lost half cousin.
  7. Howl at the moon.
  8. Get drunk, moon a corp exec, and spend the rest of the night in jail.
  9. Jump over parked cars.
  10. Meet someone of the opposite sex.
  11. Go fishing in the polluted rivers.
  12. Watch the trid.
  13. Buy another gun for the heck of it.
  14. Listen to the latest band, "Punks from the Dark Side of Demonic Hatred and Eaters of Souls that Mankind Cannot Understand".
  15. Sleep.
  16. Eat.
  17. Work.
  18. Sleep some more.
  19. Try to fly.
  20. Take up arts and crafts.
  21. Stare at the clock for a few days.
  22. Count all of your bullets.
  23. Bury thoose bodies that you have in the basement, they're starting to smell.
  24. Jack in and out repeatadly to see what it feels like.
  25. Have a contest to see who can eat the most raw Insta-Noodles before vomitting.
  26. Go back to school and say hello to that biology teacher. Oh, wait. He's been downsized.
  27. Get a haircut ya hippie!
  28. Buy the shadowrun card game.
  29. Throw the shadowrun card game in the garbage.
  30. See your buddies in prison.
  31. See your buddies in the grave.
  32. Go through a dozen blue systems and get enough paydata to live in the bahamas.
  33. Set up a fence, then not go.
  34. Blow something up.
  35. Go see a fine arts production.
  36. Stop and smell the synth roses.
  37. Drive a car through a window.
  38. Come up with a few one liners to say when you are in combat.
  39. Mug little old ladys.
  40. Taunt the paranatural animals at the zoo with sticks.
  41. Blame it on the zoo security when the griffen attacks you.
  42. Get in touch with your feelings.
  43. Talk about your childhood.
  44. Visit that weird kid next door that collects bugs and eats glue.
  45. Rearrange the bathroom.
  46. Spread flowers all over the streets of the barrens.
  47. Take a metal detector and go around the beach looking for loose change.
  48. Cry out in delight when you find a single tenth yen that day.
  49. Eat some real food for a change.
  50. Get out a medicle chart. Randomly point somewhere. Have that organ replaced.
  51. Squirt soy-ketchup all over yourself and stagger into the hospital.
  52. Dance! Dance! Dance!
  53. Put on a gas mask and shout out tarzan like phrases.
  54. Read a book.
  55. Write something for a shadowurn website.

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